Coming Soon |
There has been a lot of behind-the-scenes work over the last few weeks so we thought it was about time to tell you what has been going on. Over Summer we had a great run of Feel The Vibe shows which wrapped up Series 2 only a few weeks ago. We announced that we were going to air another Feel The Vibe segment called Feel The Vibe: Playlist for the weeks in between each series of the Feel The Vibe: Shows; it would feature the great new releases of music as well as up-and-coming artists.
Additionally, we have been working on a few improvements to our designs - including the cover photo you can see above. The icon in the centre may be something you will be seeing in the future a lot more; all will be revealed shortly!
As Just Another Radio isn't just another radio (who'd a thought it!) but an online platform, we will be making improvements across the web.
Firstly, YouTube. In a few weeks once we have created some suitable graphics, we will be releasing interviews, music from up-and-coming artists and more onto our YouTube channel 'JustAnotherRadioTV'.
Secondly, Mixcloud. We are making the transition from Spreaker to Mixcloud for our Feel The Vibe shows, so that we interact with a greater audience and you can view the songs in each show.
Then, last but not least, we will debut on iTunes in the form of a podcast. Hopefully before Christmas, a podcast will be release with the finest selection of music from up-and-coming artists, hosted by Adrian (from the Feel The Vibe radio shows)
To top it all off, we will be making general improvements to music playlists on the radio, improving ease of use when submitting music as well as a few Halloween treats from a new up-and-coming artist. Furthermore, we are working closely on a special project that focuses on the audiences interaction with bands, which hopefully you will see more of in the next few months.
As a quick note, a new Radionomy platform has been released with a new online radio manager. We are waiting a few weeks before we air the Feel The Vibe Playlist shows again so that all the issues with the new platform can be resolved. Follow our tweets @Radio_JAR to stay tuned about the latest things that have been going on and to hear about new projects first!